Admin Platform

Admin Platform

Financial trading platform

Designed an admin platform for an investment company, streamlining data management, workflows, and decision-making for analysts and portfolio managers.

Designed an admin platform for an investment company, streamlining data management, workflows, and decision-making for analysts and portfolio managers.




Product Design




January 2025


Create an intuitive platform that centralizes data,

enhances user productivity,

and scales with the company’s growth.

Create an intuitive platform

that centralizes data,

enhances user productivity,

and scales with the

company’s growth.


Centralizing Financial Data for Better Efficiency

The company needed a centralized, user-friendly platform to manage complex financial data, improve workflow efficiency, and support decision-making.

Fragmented tools leading to inefficiencies.

Difficulty visualizing and interpreting complex financial data.

Limited collaboration between teams.

  • Seamless process• Visualizing data • Team work

  • Seamless process• Visualizing data • Team work

One significant challenge was balancing simplicity with

the complexity of financial data.

One significant challenge

was balancing simplicity

with the complexity

of financial data.

Research and Insights

Limited collaboration between teams.

Limited collaboration between teams.

Stakeholder Interviews


Gained clarity on user pain points and must-have features.

Stakeholder Interviews


Gained clarity on user pain points and must-have features.

User Research


Identified key user roles, including portfolio managers, analysts, and executives, each with unique needs.

User Research


Identified key user roles, including portfolio managers, analysts, and executives, each with unique needs.

Competitive Analysis

0.7 second

Studied leading financial tools to benchmark design standards.

Competitive Analysis

0.7 second

Studied leading financial tools to benchmark design standards.

Key Features

Real-Time Dashboard:

Displays portfolio performance, market trends, and risk assessments dynamically.

Customizable Reports:

Users can generate tailored reports with selected metrics for client presentations.

Role-Based Permissions:

Ensures data security by providing access based on user roles.

Key insight

Users needed a system that could display data dynamically,

minimize manual tasks,

and provide actionable insights at a glance.

One significant challenge

was balancing simplicity

with the complexity

of financial data.




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Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Color Palette
















Provides an overview of key data and actions on the platform.

Originally designed for management, it offers a high-level view without the need to dive into detailed data.

Provides an overview of key data and actions on the platform. Originally designed for management, it offers a high-level view without the need to dive into detailed data.


The table presents key client details for sales and support.

Most user actions related to a selected client are carried out from the client card.

Client Card (Pop-up)

The client card is divided into two parts: The left third displays client information along with the relevant hierarchy.

All actions are displayed and executed in the remaining two-thirds of the screen.

Client Card/ Change password

Client Card/ Change password

Changing the password if the client is unable to access the platform or experiences trouble performing the action.

Client Card / Deposits

Clients can add a deposit in two ways: directly in the client area on the trading platform or through a sales rep when the preffered way is by himself. This card displays the balance, last deposit, and allows reps to create deposits for clients.

Client Card / Withdrawals

Clients can submit a withdrawal request on their side, which is then forwarded to support for execution via this page.

Clients/ Create new user (Pop-up)

A new user is created if the client is unable to sign up or experiences trouble doing so on their own.

It also allows the company to create test users.


Batel Elberg

Product Designer


Batel Elberg

Product Designer